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Haldex Controller Gen5 MQB

Haldex Controller Gen4 and Gen5 0CQ (MQB)

Installation instruction for the Haldex Controller Gen4 and Gen5 0CQ/0AY.
This will apply to almost all MQB car and other Gem4/Gen5 cars.

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Lift the left rear seat
Locate the cover
Remove the cover
Remove the 6 pin connector from the holder
Connect the supplied loom to these connectors
Do this for both connectors
Run the wires thru the cover and put the cover back
Run the loom of the Haldex Controller to the booth
This image for Image Layouts addon
Connect the Haldex Controller and you are ready to go!

Haldex Controller App

Go to the Google Play store or Apple store and download the App.

google play storeapple store

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